Selected videos for topic: why use social media
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Synergy Social Media Solutions - Helping Businesses Grow Through Social Media Marketing
Synergy Media Solutions offer a one stop shop service for all your social media marketing needs.
From corporate videos to Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin account creation and optimisation. We bring followers, fans and connections to your accounts
If it is to showcase your products or services we can produce the video you want. It is a fact that companies using video as a promotional tool sell twice as much as those that do not.
We not only produce great video but also provide marketing...
From: SynergyFranchising
Related topics : social media marketing services / social media online marketing / marketing through social media / social media solutions / business using social media
Using external annotations to link your youtube social media icons
This is a rather technical tutorial where we show how to link your social media icons on your video to your external social media accounts.
Be warned there are some rather technical parts to this tutorial such as 301 redirects so if you are not interested or that stuff scares you, stay away from this one.
From: nige vlog tutorials
Related topics : social media link icons / social media tutorial / social media media
Meeting Population Health Objectives through Retain Unified Archiving
Attend this webinar to learn about meeting population and mhealth initiatives through Retain Unified Archiving. This solution uses email, social media, and mobile data to help you access federal, state & local funds & comply with HIPAA.
View this webinar to learn about meeting ACO or population health objectives through Retain Unified Archiving. This solution uses email, social media, and mobile data to help you access federal, state and local government funds and comply with HIPAA.
Related topics : why use social media / social media solutions / social media help
Effectiveness of Hotel Social Media Management Dashboards
Revinate's Greg Bodenlos discusses the effectiveness of today's hotel social media management dashboards available in the marketplace.
Revinate is a software platform designed exclusively for the hospitality industry that makes it easy to take control of your online reputation by using online feedback and social media to learn from and connect with guests.
Video from Cornell's online course Marketing the Hospitality Brand through New Media: Social, Mobile & Search, a...
From: RevinateInc
Related topics : social media online reputation management / hotel social media reputation management / social media online marketing / hotel industry using social media / social media reputation management software
Nonprofits: Don't Wing It With Social Media
We've entered a new era in nonprofit marketing. If you've dipped your toe in the social media waters, do you wonder why you aren't reaching more people or raising more dollars? If you haven't yet begun, have you considered what social media marketing might do to help you reach -- or not reach -- your goals?
Join Claire Axelrad, J.D., CFRE for a discussion on social media marketing for nonprofits. We will explore why winging it no longer works in 2014...
From: Bloomerang
Related topics : using social media marketing / marketing through social media / social media help / social media engagement / social media social
Is social media anti-social? Student Documentary
Short documentary on the topic of social media and its anti-social tendencies written, filmed & edited by myself for a final college assignment.
Special thanks to Mike Perks and Harry Kimber for letting me interview them for my piece.
P-27: Using the work of others/P-09: Fair Use Allison Graham TEDxSMU Patrik Wincent TEDxStockholm
From: Lauren Macaree
Related topics : social media documentary / social media social
How is social media used as marketing tool for clubs and sponsors
From: Benji M
Related topics : using social media marketing / marketing through social media
Top 5 Most Used Social Medias
Subscribe for more Top 5 videos
From: Scav Top 5
Related topics : top social media
Webinar: How #EventProfs Can Build a Better Event Experience Using Social Media
From: Social Tables
Related topics : why use social media
Why students should not use social media — Tasnia H.
via YouTube Capture
From: MrEtkinUTube
Related topics : why use social media