MSP Summit: How Social Media Is Paying off for IBM Business Partners

IBM Midsize Business convene a roundtable of five business partners at the 2013 IBM Edge Conference to discuss their experiences with social media marketing. The participants, all of whom are graduates of the IBM Social Media Boot Camp presented by Profitecture, told how social media is bringing them closer to their customers, demanding new levels of transparency and yielding tangible business results. In this video the partners share the platforms and tools that are working best for them,...

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From: MidmarketIBM

Related topics : social media tools for business 2013 / social media marketing conferences / social media consultant / social media help / social media social media

Show Organizers: 50 Social Media Ideas for Your Tradeshow

Part of Bartizan's Monthly Free Webinar Thought Leadership Series for members of the tradeshow industry. The short, 10-minute session is jam-packed with takeaways that tradeshow managers can use to jumpstart their social media marketing at their event. Social media dramatically affects the way exhibitors and attendees interact with each other—and how they interact at events like yours.

Specifically the presentation will focus on:

* 50 of the hottest social media tips and tactics for your...

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From: Bartizan Lead Retrieval

Related topics : organizations using social media marketing / social media tips / manage social media / social media conference / social media strategy

#BankSocial Media Conference CEO Jill Castilla Teaser Trailer

Social media is the foundation of Citizens of Edmond bank’s marketing strategy. As community bankers, their strength is their accessibility, community commitment and nimbleness – all of which are rewarded in social media. An active social media presence yields earned media, direct prospective customer relationship building and community capital growth. Ignore it and you’re overlooking the largest, most intimate networking event in your neighborhood. The low investment of social media...

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From: #BankSocial

Related topics : social media activity / social media conference / social media networking websites / conservative social media strategy

Social Media and New Marketing for Florida Nonprofits at FANO's Annual Conference Dr. Carmen D. Ortiz, will be presenting workshop on New Marketing and Social Media for Non Profts at the 21st Annual Conference sponsored by FANO in Miami August 27th and 28th, 2012. In this video she shares reasons why leaders of Florida nonprofits need to attend this year's conference.

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From: Myfloridanonprofits

Related topics : social media marketing conferences

Which Social Media Metrics Matter Most? Panel Discussion at Measure13

Panel discussion from Our Social Times' conference ' Social Media Measurement & Monitoring 2013' on the 27.03.13 - on the panel - Philip Sheldrake, Managing Partner, Euler Partners, Jacqui Taylor, CEO, Flying Binary; Katie Delahaye Paine, Chief Marketing Officer, News Group International; Matt Owen, Head of Social Media, EConsultancy, Andrew Bruce Smith, Director, Escherman

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From: OurSocialTimes1

Related topics : monitoring social media metrics / social media measurement / internal social media / marketing through social media / manage social media

Social Media Marketing Is a Waste of Time, Unless... - Mark Traphagen

Mark Traphagen will be joining us via Google Hangout to talk about how social marketing will be ineffective unless it rests on a foundation of clear brand identity and purpose-driven content.

Mark Traphagen is Senior Director of Online Marketing for Stone Temple Consulting. His primary responsibility is building the online reputation of Stone Temple while testing strategies and tactics that will benefit STC clients. He has a special reputation as an expert on Google+, social media strategy,...

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From: SearchHOU

Related topics : social media marketing strategies / social media online marketing / marketing through social media / social media branding strategy / reputation on social media

Social Media Marketing UK Conference 2016 - Headz Up Business

Coverage by V-Television: This years social media conference keynote speakers: 1. Google Trainer as part of Google Garage, delivered session 'How to Reach More Customers Online,' 2. Annmarie Hanlon, author of 3 digital books, trainer, speaker delivered session on 'How to use Twitter for business' and 'How to Generate Leads for LinkedIn' 4. Tom Mallens, director of manufacturing company Firbrecore delivered session on Facebook Ads and generating leads with social media. 5. Chris Green from...

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From: Pushpa Alexander

Related topics : social media marketing conferences / social media marketing trends 2016 / social media conference / social media marketing companies / social media online marketing

Panel: Instant RFP: Which Social Media Provider Will Win Our Challenge?

Recorded live at OMMA Social as part of Internet Week on May 15, 2012.

Moderator: David Berkowitz, VP of Emerging Media, 360i

OMMA Social is designed to guide marketers and agency execs through the terrain of social media and how it relates to your brand or web property. This one-day conference will address social marketing challenges and provide insight into the future of this medium including valuable information on all the tools and resources...

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From: MediaPost

Related topics : social media marketing agency / social media marketing guide / social media marketing tools / social media agency network / new social media tools

How to drive results by marketing on emerging social networks

Clips from the 2015 Gartner Digital Marketing Conference reveal key social media issues such as which platforms are most relevant and how to evolve to keep customers engaged with your brand.

Speaker: Julie Hopkins, Managing VP, Gartner for Marketing Leaders

Gartner for Marketing Leaders connects you with objective research, data, tools and experts who will advise you in the digital marketing areas that matter most. To learn more, email or visit...

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From: Gartner For Marketers

Related topics : social media marketing events 2015 / social media market research tool / social media network marketing / social media platforms for marketing

Traditional & Social Media Marketing Conference

Traditional Social Media Marketing Conference

Asian Institute of Management Conference Center

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From: u2tv1

Related topics : social media marketing conferences / marketing through social media / manage social media