2009 Enterprise Social Media Conference London Event Interviews

Interviews from the September 24-25, 2009 http://www.socialmediaconference.com Enterprise Social Media Conference in London. The conference dealt with how businesses use social media tools.

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From: socialmediaevent

Related topics : social media conference 2009 / business using social media / social media tools for business

Social Marketing PR Video Shows How to Use Social Media in Business - 2009.flv

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From: TheLinaPR

Related topics : using social media for pr / using social media marketing

Social Media Week Chicago: The Importance of Measuring Social Media Success: Sue Koch

Sue Koch of Soaring Solutions discusses the importance of setting goals and measure your social media success. Using Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, YouTube analytics and more, anyone can track the success of their social media campaigns.




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From: Soaring Solutions

Related topics : measuring social media success / social media measurement / social media analytics / social media solutions / social media social

Social Media vs Mainstream Media


Social networking or social media has crept into our lives like no other technology revolution in the recent past. The social media revolution has completely transformed how we live our lives. In this same context, newsrooms have felt the impact of social media on facets of news processing, production and broadcast. And as KTN's Joy Doreen Biira puts it, yes - it is a miracle in disguise. She engaged traditional media practitioners on the new media tools platform.


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From: KTN News Kenya

Related topics : social media vs traditional media / traditional news media and social media / social media content / social media audience engagement / social media network

Classroom Decoration Time! Social Media classroom theme 📚✏️🖍

Hey Be-unique Babies,

Check out my social media classroom theme.

I decided to use this theme to show my students a positive way to use social media. Too many times we hype up the negative postings on Facebook, Whatsapp, and the others. But there are many positive and encouraging posts that go unnoticed.

So this term I'm changing all of that in my class. Here is a little snippet of my classroom..Social Media came to life.

I hope you enjoy!


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From: Ms. Be-unique

Related topics : social media classroom / using social media / social media social

Benefits of social media - Public Relations YouTube

Answers 5 questions on why social media and public relations need each other. Why is it called social media, what the benefits are. How do you use it and how to deal with the downside of social media.

read more here


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From: misskatodin

Related topics : social media public relations / social media social

Social Media Manager Job Description

Use our Social Media Manager Job Description to formalize the requirements and skills for this position in your organization. You can customize the job description to fit your own company. A great time saver for a hiring manager or your HR team. http://www.marketingpower.com/resourcelibrary/_layouts/marketers_toolkit.aspx

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From: American Marketing Association

Related topics : social media marketing manager job description / social media management company / manage social media / jobs in social media / social media marketing companies

The Changing Social Media Landscape

Discover how the US Census Bureau is using social media and plans to stay current as tastes and technology constantly change.

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From: uscensusbureau

Related topics : why use social media / social media plan

Using Networking and Social Media in the New Global Economy

Finding a job in the New Global Economy is a daunting task. Two of the most useful tools that a job-seeker can use are networking and social media. This informative program presents viewers with great tips on how to utilize networking and social media in your job search.

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From: schoolco

Related topics : social media job search / using social media / social media tips

Latinos In Social Media

Latinos In Social Media: How do you use social media?

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From: LatinoSocialMedia

Related topics : using social media / social media social

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