Social Media Expert Uses Cardone to Get Movie Deal -
Social Media Expert Uses Cardone to Get Movie Deals
Sales Training Expert Grant Cardone coaching Michael Nast on how to use The 10X Rule to rigorously get into contact with grow his business and get movie deals. Always have the mindset of 10X!
From: Grant Cardone
Related topics : social media expert / business using social media
Getting Started in Social Media - Part 2 [Small Business Tutorial]
In the second half of this Social Media tutorial, we look at ways to grow your social media presence including deciding on a brand voice, engagement strategies and how to measure your impact. We also hear from a range of small business owners as they share their tips for using social media.
For more tips and advice check out
Related topics : social media small business tips / social media small business strategy / business using social media / social media tutorial / social media engagement
Three BIG Social Media Marketing Mistakes Entrepreneurs Are Making Social media isn’t going anywhere and while there are some entrepreneurs who truly understand the massive opportunity in using social media to grow their businesses and brands, the LARGE majority of entrepreneurs still have no clue how it all works (even though they THINK they do).
I could go on a full blown rant or even do a two day workshop on ALL the mistakes entrepreneurs are making when it comes to their social media marketing, in this short video I’m going...
From: MarquelRussell
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Social Media Marketing for Restaurants, Cafes & Bars: 3 - Location & Event Marketing - in this video we introduce Foursquare, Facebook Places and Google Places. We also show how 'game technology' and location tracking are being used in social media marketing. Recorded from the webinar 'Fast-Track Social Media Marketing for Restaurants, Cafes and Bars'
From: Profitable Hospitality
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Twitter Canada thinks social media is the most effective way for people to tell their stories
PressReader Spotlight talks with Twitter Canada about social media’s role in storytelling. Twitter thinks social media is the most effective way for people to tell their stories. Do you agree? Support the opinion on PressReader here:
Twitter tells Spotlight’s Jeremy Szafron about how businesses are using its social media platform to reach people. The platform...
From: PressReader
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Socialtap Service Overview | Social Media Management Tools for Small Business
Socialtap Service Overview | Social Media Management Tools for Small Business
Or Simply Your Business…
All of the Online Tools you will ever need to achieve your Social Media Marketing & Campaign Goals in one, easy-to-use dashboard.
From sourcing relevant content, posting, engaging contacts to monitoring activity, generating leads and in-depth reporting.
From: Socialtap
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complete social media management posting engagement specialist experts
complete social media management posting engagement specialist expertshow can i make money with social media? By using our services to grow your facebook fans you will have an audience to engage and sell to.
From: biggerhitsinc
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Using Social Media for TV Audience Engagement
Engaging audiences through social media is a valuable tool for TV broadcasters to obtain feedback and increase their market share of viewers. But which are the right online platforms that complement the viewers' TV experience and how can they be leveraged to maximize audience? IQPC talked to two of the top media influencers in the Middle East about how social media is impacting the viewing choice of audiences in Saudi Arabia. Find out what are the main roles that social media plays in TV...
From: iqpcme
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Social Media Marketing - Using content to GROW your following - Evan and Rebecca Coleman
More about Rebecca: I come from a background in the arts. Writing was my first love: I wrote my first short story when I was 9, and was winning prizes for them at 17. But in my first year of university, I discovered the theatre, and we had a mad and passionate affair that continues to this day. My work in the theatre was both on- and back-stage, and for more than 10 years, I’ve been doing freelance publicity in the arts.
I got interested in social media as an alternative way to publicize my...
From: Evan Carmichael
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Latinos In Social Media
Latinos In Social Media: How do you use social media?
From: LatinoSocialMedia
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