"Danger of Social Media" Shortfilm

Shortfilm produced in Finland by Spanish, German and Finnish members. The video shows some of the dangers we may encounter when making use of social media.

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From: Recording Our Europe

Related topics : why use social media

TEDxBahrainona 10/11/10 Japanarabia Social Paltform (Part 1/2)

Using Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Mixi and blog) to close cultural gaps and promote cultural knowledge and awareness, with the Arab World and Japan as an example.

Please help promote this project by translating the talk into English and Japanese

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From: Yacoub Al-Slaise

Related topics : why use social media

TEDxBahrainona 10/11/10 Japanarabia Social Paltform (Part 2/2)

Using Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Mixi and blog) to close cultural gaps and promote cultural knowledge and awareness, with the Arab World and Japan as an example.

Please help promote this project by translating the talk into English and Japanese

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From: Yacoub Al-Slaise

Related topics : why use social media

Social media and customer service - FOX 32 News Chicago Interview with Mana Ionescu

How are succesful companies using social media for customer service? I discussed the topic on Fox New Chicago. Give it a watch!

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From: Mana Ionescu

Related topics : social media services company / social media news / using social media

Social Media: Making Connections Through Twitter

At Albemarle County Public Schools, teachers use social media to get ideas for their classroom, for professional development, and to connect student learning to the real world.

Albemarle County Public Schools


Explore more resources from this school:


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From: Edutopia

Related topics : social media twitter

Gary Vaynerchuk: The Dumbest Move I've Ever Seen on Social Media | Inc. Magazine

Gary Vaynerchuk has strong words for companies that use tragedies for social media campaigns.

Subscribe to Inc.'s channel, click here: http://www.youtube.com/user/incmagazine?sub_confirmation=1

For more from Gary Vaynerchuk on social media, entrepreneurship and marketing strategy, visit: http://www.inc.com/gary-vaynerchuk/what-it-takes-to-succeed.html?CIDsm00008

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Inc

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Inc

G+: https://plus.google.com/+incmagazine/posts


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From: Inc.

Related topics : social media marketing strategy / social media marketing companies / using social media marketing / social media companies

The journalism of terror: how do we bear witness when everybody is a witness?

In the new reality of terrorism and propaganda on social media, the value of journalism as a means of separating news from noise has never been more vital. With militant groups using social media as a means of propaganda, there are new pressures and ethical challenges for traditional newsrooms. How do journalists engage with the kind of horrific video emerging from groups such as ISIS? How do report on acts of real-time terror such as the Charlie Hebdo massacre? When anyone can witness...

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From: International Journalism Festival

Related topics : traditional news media and social media / using social media / research social media / social media engagement / social media report

How to Use Google's Site Command to Search Facebook, Twitter & Social Media Platforms

For effective social media marketing, you gotta know how to search and find pages to emulate. (Free materials at http://bit.ly/site-command). In this video, Jason McDonald explains how to use Google's site: command to be able to identify Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc., pages. For example, if you make 'organic food,' you'd want to find Facebook or Twitter pages of competitors or similar companies that sell 'organic food.' Using Google's site: command you can leverage the world's best...

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From: jmgrp

Related topics : search engine marketing social media / marketing through social media / social media social

PhD Career Skills: Social Media for Conference Organisers with Scott Midson (artsmethods@manchester)

PhD Career Skills video about using social media when organising an academic conference or event, with Scott Midson (artsmethods@manchester). Filming and editing by Dejan Levi

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From: artsmethods manchester

Related topics : phd social media

Facebook Social Media Mastery


Discover how Facebook Marketing, if used correctly can help you dominate your industry and bring in instant cash like turning on a tap!

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From: Phuket Online Marketing

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