The Social Networking Academy - Why did I join? The Social Networking Academy. Click here for all the details. I was looking to keep up to date with using Social Networking as a Marketing tool and found Joe Barne's Social Networking Academy. So far it's been great, a tonne of useful content about social media, social networking, facebook marketing, youtube marketing. It's a one stop shop that's being constantly updated and you can get your questions answered directly by the team when you join. I...
From: PocketVideoMarketing
Related topics : using social networks for marketing / using social media marketing / marketing through social media / social media content
5 Social Media Strategies for Place Marketing
Social media has dramatically changed the way economic developers market their location, but it's also created a lot of questions about effective strategies, time commitments and finding content. Whether your community is just getting started or has years of experience online, Dr. Alissa Sklar, GIS Planning's director of marketing, will look at 5 key tips to making sure social media is working for your location. This free, 30-minute webinar will cover:
Choosing the right social media tools for...
From: gisplanning
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Shauna Causey Shares 3 Tips to Integrate Media Relations and Social Media
View a blog post on this video's content at
Nyhus Communications curated Shauna Causey's perspective on using Twitter to pitch reporters and bloggers, the importance of simplicity and "reverse-pitching" (getting the attention of national media via hyper-local blogs).
As one of Seattle's most renowned digital strategists, Shauna Causey is the 2012 president for Seattle's Social Media Club chapter. She has worked in social media at Nordstrom and Comcast as well as consulted...
From: Nyhuscomm
Related topics : social media relations / social media consultant / social media tips / social media content / social media strategist
Valencia College Instructors Teaching Social Media to Students
Valencia College instructors Josh Murdock and Amanda Kern are teaching students at the Orlando college how to use social media in their prospective professions.
From: Valencia College
Related topics : college students and social media use
Social Media's Impact
A video on Social Media's impact on today's culture.
Falls under Fair Use Guidelines for Education, I do not own any rights to these clips, or audio. All for academic purposes.
From: coolcalmpete
Related topics : social media impact on culture / social media today / using social media / social media social
Social Media Addiction | Ibraheem Gamal | TEDxYouth@Alexandria
Social Media Addiction
Ibrahim Gamal
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
From: TEDx Talks
Related topics : organizations using social media / social media social
SWIB Lukasz Porwol - Brand Reputation Tracking Using Multiple Social Networking Platforms
The proliferation of Social Media analytic tools in recent years opens new opportunities for businesses to reconnect with their customers. Many current solutions explore existing APIs and export vast amounts of data without any extra effort put into consolidating relevant data from multiple sources. In this talk, we elaborate on the use of Semantic Web technologies to integrate data from wellestablished social networking platforms in Social Media Linked Data Space (SMLDS). We discuss how to...
From: Studia nových médií
Related topics : social media analytics tools open source / social networking platform open source / reputation on social media
Marketing Cloud: Social Best Practices for Events
Social media can help ensure your efforts are a huge success. But how do you make sure you are using social media to make the most of your event? Join our session and learn how industry leaders are building social into their events. Find out how you can leverage social at your next event.
From: Dreamforce Video
Related topics : social media marketing events / social media help
iGive Webinar 2017-02-23 - Using Social Media to increase iGive Participation
350,000 socially conscious people choosing to shop at over 1200 socially-responsible stores in order to help their favorite causes and charities!
Join us, won't you?
From: iGiveDoYou
Related topics : social media participation
Building Brand Wealth- OBL and his use of Social Media
The image was global, and for many, disturbing. OBL He established a vast network that operated under the radar while he built a global terrist network with worldwide noteriety. How was this single individual able to accopmlish this amazing feat? Needless to say he was able to gain frequent access to the media every time his group carried out a terriristic act. But he was one of the early benefacters of the reach and personal connection through the use of social media. His vision and message...
From: CLKSearch
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