Michael Furdyk: Open Education: Future-friendly schools
Michael Furdyk's vision of the future is what he calls the porous classroom - where the world can flow in to give students access to a diversity of ideas, resources and people. Beyond providing context to curriculum, Furdyk believes technology can build empathy by connecting students with their global peers and by facilitating conversations about current issues and shared concerns -- conflicts on the ground, social issues and environment. And for teachers, the "future-friendly school" model...
From: Pull: How Technology is Changing the Conversation
Related topics : social media issues in schools / using social media
A Creative & Metric Case Study - RibCrib Social Media by Avery Oden
With so much information available to us through social media metrics, it’s easy to quickly get lost in the weeds and lose track of our creative voice – but as with any marketing or advertising endeavor, it’s always important to utilize a healthy balance of creative and metric thinking.
Avery Oden will review his past work with BBQ restaurant chain RibCrib, describe the creative processes, and give tips on how to use metrics to advise – but not control – your social media strategy.
From: Lift Digital Marketing Sessions
Related topics : social media metric / social media information / social media marketing strategy / social media strategy
New Media Marketing and Public Relations Seminar
On October 13, from 6pm to 9pm I will be hosting a seminar entitled New Media Marketing and P.R. Made Simple and Affordable: How to Use Social Media, News Releases, Blogs, Online Audio and Video to Wage a Successful Campaign to Reach Your Target Audience. I will show Black businesses, politicians and organizations whose target audience is Black people simple and affordable social media marketing strategies. This seminar's early bird special price is $99.
Register at...
From: BeanSoupTimes
Related topics : social media marketing seminar / social media marketing news / marketing through social media / blogs and social media
How IBM leveraged Social Media to create Engagement?
Case Study: How IBM leveraged Social Media to create Engagement
A case-study driven Webinar from IBM leaders that focuses on various Social Media Strategies that IBM leveraged to create engagement and drive audience for their event.
Mohammad Danish, Head of Marketing & Strategy (Product), IBM
New Age Marketer and a Technology evangelist, Danish has worked with various organizations from IBM to Microsoft. At present he is working as the head of marketing and strategy at IBM.
Ranjini Rao,...
From: digitalvidya
Related topics : b2b social media case studies / digital media marketing strategy / social media marketing strategies / b2b social media strategy / social media software management
How your social media policy can empower employees! Jennifer Ballard - Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
A social media policy can encourage employees to drive traffic to your website. http://www.e-conversation.com An excerpt of an interview with Jennifer Ballard of Hinshaw & Culbertson http://www.hinshawlaw.com recorded in April of 2011. In this excerpt, Jennifer talks about a social media policy as a vehicle to encourage use, as opposed to avoiding problems.
The information contained herein is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. As...
From: e-Conversation Solutions, Inc
Related topics : social media policy / why use social media
How to design a social media image quote in 1 minute in Designsta
This is a 1 minute inspiration video to show how you can create a simple image quote graphic for social media using Designsta.
Designsta is the online graphic design platform and members' club for female entrepreneurs, try it out today for 1 week for just $1: http://designsta.com/try-designsta
From: Louise Clark
Related topics : social media images / online social media
Traditional Selling vs Social Selling
Discover how to unleash the power of social selling in your company.
Buyers today are digitally driven, socially empowered, and making purchase decisions based on what they learn and hear through their social media networks. Savvy sales professionals have picked up on this and have learned how to use social media and their networks for lead generation, or what we like to call “Social Selling”.
So if your sales team is still using traditional sales techniques like cold calling as their main...
From: Shane Serra
Related topics : social media network / social media companies
Social media: the good, the bad and the ugly
With internet access rapidly expanding in Burma and the price on SIM-cards and smartphones falling, more and more people are using social media.
But while it can be a way to keep in touch with friends or promote your company, media analysts warn that it can also be a source of hate speech and fear mongering.
From: DVBTVenglish
Related topics : why use social media
Using Social Media for Commodity Affiliate Programs
This video is from Affiliate Summit West 2009, which took place January 11-13, 2009 in Las Vegas, NV.
Affiliate programs are a commodity biz: you compete based on SEO or page design. Well explore other ways to approach your business, including how to use social networks to gain the upper hand.
- Dave Taylor, Principal, Intuitive Systems
From: Shawn Collins
Related topics : social network affiliate program / business using social media
How education industry must use social media
Team Franchise India attended Intelligentsia Summit, hosted by CIHF, CIAC Global and The Education Post, and got insights from the bigwigs of the education industry on how the industry works. Here’s Arvind Passey, Sr Columnist, The Education Post, speaking about the importance of branding and engaging through the social media for players in the education industry.
From: Franchise India
Related topics : social media in education industry / social media engagement / social media branding