Strictly Marketing Magazine - David Giannetto Interview
Host & Editor of Strictly Marketing Magazine interview David Giannetto, author of Big Social Mobile, on how today's best companies are using big data, social media and mobile technology to create more customers, revenue and profit--what's driving their success and how other companies can adopt these methods themselves.
From: David F. Giannetto
Related topics : social media marketing companies / using social media marketing / social media companies
How To Keep Up With The Best Network Marketing Social Media Sites and Tools
Here's a good video to give you some ideas on how to keep up with the Network Marketing industry as far as tools and social media sites. Below are some freebies that you may not be using:
Video App mentioned in the video: Magisto
Two great social media posting tools: Hootsuite & OnlyWire
Here's a great picture snag tool with text, arrows, and highlighting features for free: Jing
You can subscribe to my list here:
From: Robin Williams
Related topics : free social media marketing tool / social media marketing tools / social media marketing sites / social media network marketing / using social media marketing
How to Implement a Mobile Strategy for Your Nonprofit
Today, more of your supporters will visit your website from a mobile device than from their desktop computer. Despite the explosion of mobile usage, too many nonprofits think that having a successful mobile strategy means simply creating a mobile-friendly website. In reality, an effective mobile strategy encompasses design, content and messaging into all channels used for marketing and fundraising – websites, emails, appeals, events, blogs and social media.
Implementing a mobile strategy is...
From: Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation
Related topics : using social media marketing / social media marketing websites / social media marketing strategy / digital media marketing strategy
Real Social Media Marketing (SMM) - Influence Aggregators & Distributors - Social Media Marketing (SMM) is part of the second step to increasing search engine traffic. In this step one uses relevant content, or "link bait," to influence aggregators and/or distributors of information online. This is the real way to marketing your website in social media sites.
From: Jeff Foster
Related topics : smm social media marketing / marketing through social media / social media information / social media content / social media media
Ethyrial Hangout: Effective Marketing Strategy
How do you appeal to your prospective client?
What does an effective marketing campaign and strategy look like?
What are the metrics you are using to measure the effectiveness of your campaign?
Are you measuring the conversions of your social media efforts?
What are your customers and clients saying about you and how are you responding?
9 Metrics to Measure Social Media Marketing Success
#1 --...
From: Lionel Spearman
Related topics : measuring social media success / social media marketing campaign / social media measurement / using social media marketing / social media content
Using Social Media for Recruitment
It's time that we shift our job hunt Online. This video stresses on the need to do so with a case study on
From: Aishwarya Thilak
Related topics : using social media for recruitment
Download Branding Yourself How to Use Social Media to Invent or Reinvent Yourself 2nd Edition Que Bi
Click link on the description to download the PDF version :
From: Juan Carlos
Related topics : brands using social media
Using social media internally to educate employees about the brand
Jeanette Gibson and Garnor Morantes talk about programs they have internally at Cisco and Ebay to educate employees about brand initiatives.
From: Kevin Heney
Related topics : brands using social media / internal social media
#6 Danah Boyd and the behavioural differences between girls/guys
Q #6 Do you think there is any behavioural difference between girls and guys in the way they use social media?
From: GGDMarche
Related topics : why use social media
Nigeria uses social media to promote sports
In the age of Twitter and Facebook, many Nigerians are looking to develop football in the West African country by leveraging on social media to promote the sports and get more fans to fill up stadiums during league games. Football is popular in the country but the local football league is struggling to attract fans to the stadiums with many watching foreign league games.
For more News visit:
From: SABC Digital News
Related topics : sports fans and social media / social media promotion / sports and social media news / using social media