Marketing & Social Media Seminar

This is he first time I have had the opportunity to run a seminar in Spain. I was approached by Dog Planet, a recently created animal rescue association, struggling to relocate abandoned animals, encouraging the adoption, education of future generations, working with awareness campaigns and using dogs as therapy for the elderly. As a dog lover myself (I have a Great Dane) I jumped at the opportunity to partner up with them to help their cause, by running this seminar.

The Marketing & Social...

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From: Paul Holder

Related topics : social media marketing seminar / social media marketing business opportunity / marketing through social media

Site & IRB Perspectives On Digital/Social Media Recruiting

Webinar: "It’s Guaranteed Not To Work If You Don’t Use It: Site & IRB Perspectives On Digital/Social Media Recruiting"

Access webinar slides here:

Originally presented July 20, 2016, by Ashley Dixon, IRB Member at Schulman IRB, and Mark Metzner, Associate Director of Recruiting & Community Affairs at Medpace

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From: Schulman IRB

Related topics : social media sites for recruitment / using social media for recruitment

Social networking huge job-search tool

In an ever-tightening job market job seekers are turning to social networking sites in a bold attempt to find work.

One reason for the growing number of users on social networking sites is due to the increased use by business professionals.

The most rapidly growing age-group to use Facebook is the 35-and-overs according to an employment authority.

But it's not just job seekers taking advantage of social networking sites. A recent survey by Jobsite found that 80 per cent of employers are...

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From: BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

Related topics : social network marketing jobs / business use of social networking sites / advantages of social networking sites for recruitment / social media networking sites business / social media job search

How To Produce High Quality Graphics for Social Media

For my most powerful social media secrets check out:

Here's the Facebook style font I use in the video:

And for my most powerful Facebook tips and tricks check out:


Follow me on Instagram:


And Facebook:

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From: Garin Kilpatrick

Related topics : social media power / social media tips / using social media

1 Why use social media for parental engagement & promoting school?

Made for Head Teachers, here's a short 1:1 interview with John Bidder from Blippit who has been working with schools on parental engagement with social media for over five years. John is a former teacher, advisory teacher, adviser amongst other things & now he is founder of Blippit, a school Governor, a husband & dad and more. Visit for more on what Blippit is all about!

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From: B lippit

Related topics : social media engagement / social media promotion

Breaking News about the New book on Personal Branding and Social Media. How to market yourself

People like Oprah and Richard Branson have paved the way showing how people can become brands. On the wave of this trend of personal branding " The Book How to market the real you using social media, by author Penny de Villiers, was launched today giving ordianary people the tools to promote themselves, improve their careers and connect with the right people.

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From: Penny De Villiers

Related topics : social media marketing book / social media branding book / new trends in social media marketing / social media marketing news / social media marketing tools

Social Media Business Essentials - Analytics

Social Media Business Essentials, from is a short introductory video content series examining the key aspects of online business.

If you're looking to expand your online presence, analytics should be a key consideration for your online strategy.

"What gets measured, gets managed." - Peter Drucker

Cautious Train Media are a small independent company based in Ireland - we develop online strategy, video content and analytics for businesses.

Get in touch and tell...

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From: Cautious Train

Related topics : social media management company for small business / types of social media platforms for business / social media analytics / social media types of content / social media blogs

How social media marketing saved the Iceland tourism industry at SES London 2011

Lisa Buyer, The Buyer Group, interviews Kristjan Mar Hauksson, Nordic eMarketing, on the subject of social media and the marketing mix. Kristjan talks about the problems Iceland faced in the aftermath of a terrible volcano eruption back in 2010 which almost torpedoed the Icelandic summer tourist travel season.

Kristjan talks about ceasing the momentum when it came to Inspiring people to travel to Iceland. Kristjan says whenever there is news about a volcano erupting in Iceland, there is...

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From: SES Events

Related topics : travel industry social media marketing / social media marketing companies london / search & social media marketing

How PEMCO Uses Social Media Tools And Relationship Metrics To Improve Customer Service

How do you sell a product that nobody wants to buy and when they buy, hope they never use it? While this sounds like a very tough sell, PEMCO Insurance does it very well. What's the secret to the company's success?

Rod Brooks, VP & CMO discusses how PEMCO employs social media for relationship management. Watch the video and learn how this regional insurance company uses relationship metrics, giving them a customer service reputation that is considered second to none industry.

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From: MicrosoftBI

Related topics : social media metrics tools / social media reputation management tools / social media management tools / social media management company / social media management services

Social Media Analysis with Watson Analytics

Provides an example using recently discovered gravitational waves using ibm watson analytics. Existence of such waves was predicted by albert einstien 100 years ago. Social media analytics includes sentiment analysis, geographic map, run chart, etc., based on tweets pulled from twitter using #gravity, #gravitationalwaves, #waves, #ligo, #ligo announcement, and #blackholes terms.

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From: Bharatendra Rai

Related topics : social media analysis example / social media analytics / using social media

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