Using Wildfire for Social Media Contests
Learn how to run a social media contest using Wildfire.
From: hhcolorlab
Related topics : using social media / social media social
How to Use Trello To Organize Your Social Media Schedule
How to use Trello to keep your social media strategy organized. For more information about using Trello for your social media strategy check out this blog post.
From: Mariah Bloom Hustle & Grow
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Social Media, Working the Room and Creating the Handshake
Its called Social Media, but sometimes the people who use social media are not social at all.
From: MikeAndrewRealEstate
Related topics : using social media
Content Marketing (Using Social Media Platforms) Module 12: ICM 522 Social Media
Overview of content marketing strategies. Content creation, curation and distribution across social media platforms. Implementing social media strategy for communities. Module 12 of Social Media Quinnipiac ICM522DL course.
From: Travelnabi
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Social Media Marketing with Amber Sims Hinterplattner
Amber Sims Hinterplattner, of All Stages Marketing, discusses and presents on the topics of Social Media Marketing and Branding to a group of entrepreneurs in Santa Barbara, CA. Here's an overview of the highlights of that presentation. Topics included Social Media Marketing, Social Media Branding, Viral Marketing, Social Media Facts, Social Media Cultivation, Social Media Strategies, Relationship Building with Social Media, Using Social Media as an extension to Customer Service, Growing...
From: AllStagesMarketing
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Friend Me? When Social Media, Higher Ed and the Law Collide
Please join us for the sixth webinar in our Higher Education series: Friend Me? When Social Media, Higher Ed and the Law Collide.
Colleges and universities have a tenuous balancing act of capitalizing on social media, while considering the related legal issues for faculty, administrators, staff and students. Dena Sokolow will describe the legal issues higher education has faced and will recommend a number of best practices, including:
- Importance of creating a social media strategy
From: BakerDonelsonOnline
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Using Social Media in the Workplace for Hiring Process
Employers using social media in hiring process must always be consistent with social media searches of future applicants.
From: Phyllis Kae
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Perry Belcher's Autographed Artwork Making Money with Social Media Make Money $$$ with social media. You're already using social media so start
using it to make money. Perry Belcher will show you how to make money with social media.
From: ProsperitySpace
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Social Media Site List
Used in Social Media: What You Need to Know Presentation
From: Rob Miller
Related topics : social media sites list
Latinos In Social Media
Latinos In Social Media: How do you use social media?
From: LatinoSocialMedia
Related topics : using social media / social media social