Webinar: Social Media Research - the shift from metrics to audience insight

In this webinar media analysis experts Commetric partnered with strategic research consultancy Incite to try and understand the possibilities and limitations of using social media research to understand the consumer.

Uses real-life case studies as well as recent, cross-sector work examples to illustrate:

- How social media research can go beyond ‘vanity metrics’ and what it can be used for

- Where social media research complements traditional research approaches and where it has limits


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From: ComMetric

Related topics : social media audience research / social media consultant

Social Media Monitoring Using Twitter Advanced Search

Hey there! Thanks for watching this video! You rock!

In this video I show you how to set up your own social media monitoring system using Twitter Advanced Search, Twitter widgets and Twitter Saved Searches.

For practical purposes, social media monitoring can be used for Protective Intelligence - monitoring what is being said about a brand, or if someone is taking actionable steps to hurt a brand or someone.


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From: Larry Snow

Related topics : social media twitter / social media brand monitoring / social media search / social media widget / blogs and social media

Social Media for HR Professionals: To use or not to use?

This animated presentation gives a general overview of the many advantages of using social media channels in the HR (Human Resources) business. Learn why social media is a driving force and a powerful tool in today's marketplace and how it can help you, as a professional recruiter, in finding leads more efficiently and quickly growing your network. Join the social media revolution and leverage the power of the internet to grow your business.

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From: Juan Carlos Silva

Related topics : business using social media / social media network animation / social media today / social media help

Measuring Social Media Success -- Your Return on Investment

How do you measure true Social Media Success? It's crucial that businesses measure their Return on Investment (ROI) with their Social Media campaigns. One important component here is the customer lifetime value (how much you can expect to make from each customer over the lifetime of your engagement with that client). Using Social Media for client retention is one of the best uses for the platform.


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From: Justin Gray

Related topics : measuring social media success / measuring social media roi / successful social media campaign / social media platforms for business

How to Avoid Social Media Blunders

Kathi Browne and Alex Bossenger talk about how to create a healthy hospital social media policy, how to leverage Google+ as part of your social media strategy, and more. They talk about Union Street Guest House’s recent social media review debacle, and give some examples of how to use social media to improve patient satisfaction scores.

Alex is a contributor to the Social Media Examiner and was the author of last week’s article on Twitter analytics. He is well-suited to talk about...

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From: Kathi Browne

Related topics : social media strategy example 2014 / social media policy examples / using social media / social media analytics

Jim Keenan - Social Learning: How the Best Sales People are Using Social Media

Keenan talks about how sales reps can use social media to grow within their industry and grow as a leader. Jim suggests that the more that you know about your competitive environment the better you will be at your job. Industry knowledge, product comprehension and becoming more intimate with your target market can all be done through social and Keenan will tell you how.

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From: Sales for Life

Related topics : social media for sales people / using social media marketing / marketing through social media

Graphic Design for Social Media, Twitter, Facebook & More using Canva 2015

Graphic Design for Social Media, Twitter, Facebook & More using Canva

This tutorial demonstrates how to create a Twitter header that will also fit as a Facebook cover photo for a Facebook page or profile.

Theresa Santa from iBrand Your Business will take you through the steps of how to use http://canva.com. This video provides step by step instructions with great detail to help viewers understand Canva.com and some basic graphic design. Now anyone can create their own social media posts,...

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From: iBrand Your Business TV

Related topics : best social media website design / business using social media / social media help / social media tutorial / social media basics

Create Online Communities - Social Media Training Ep4

http://bananamana.com/social-media-training-adonai-training-o491-en.html Roderick Low, social media trainer, introduces Ning.com. Use Ning to create your very own online community with forums, photos, video, subgroups and more. For more info on social media training in Singapore click the link above.

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From: BananaManaTV

Related topics : social media training / online social media

Social Media and Political Attitudes in College Students: Corbin Research Presentation

Nicola Corbin, 1st year doctoral student at University of Georgia, presents "On Their Home Court:

Social Media and Political Attitudes in College Students." Through an online survey method, this study of the uses and gratifications of social media explores what needs are satisfied when college students use online social media for political information. A factor analysis resulted in three motivations: guidance, information seeking/surveillance and social utility/entertainment. Guidance emerged...

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From: Kaye Sweetser

Related topics : college students and social media use / social media analysis online / social media measurement

Latinos In Social Media

Latinos In Social Media: How do you use social media?

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From: LatinoSocialMedia

Related topics : using social media / social media social

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