How to develop a B2B social media strategy

Create a great social media strategy with this video guide from Napier ( Developed specifically for B2B technology brands, this short video walks through simple steps to create a social media strategy that will reach B2B decision makers.

The video discusses a range of topics, including getting engagement with a B2B audience, involving the entire team and setting goals and metrics to define success.

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From: NapierPR

Related topics : b2b social media strategy / social media audience engagement / social media media

Chadwick Martin Bailey Study On Social Media and Buying

Check out this interesting study by Chadwick Martin Bailey:

Consumers Engaged Via Social Media Are More Likely To Buy, Recommend

"The study of over 1500 consumers by market research firm Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate Research Technologies found that 60% of Facebook fans and 79% of Twitter followers are more likely to recommend those brands since becoming a fan or follower. And an impressive 51% of Facebook fans and 67% of Twitter followers are more likely to...

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From: Small Business Answers

Related topics : social media market opportunity / marketing via social media / social media for market research / social media marketing firm / social media engagement

Latino Social Media Day

Latino Social Media Update -- The HPRA National effort will include a Google + Hangout, "Innovate! Engage! How Latinos are revolutionizing Digital Communities" on June 25 at 11 a.m. (Pacific) with top-level social media influencers, including George Torres, publisher and online community organizer, Sofrito for Your Soul; and Robert Hernandez, professor, USC Annenberg School of Journalism. During the session, panelists will discuss how Latinos are contributing to the world of business and...

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Related topics : social media update / news organizations using social media / social media engagement

Leveraging Social Media for Fundraising Events

Social Media for Nonprofits and Eventbrite will present clear strategies, tactics, and resources for using social media to ensure the success of conferences, gala and professional development events. Join us for this webinar and learn:

- How to use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other tools to maximize attendance, engagement and fundraising for your events

- Practical recommendations to implement before, during, and after your event to encourage engagement and participation

- How to use...

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From: EventbriteTV

Related topics : event social media / social media analysis tools / social media engagement

Direct Marketing Turnaround Part 2. How Video Lifted Sales 20 Percent.mp4

If email marketing and social media results are not meeting your expectations, it may be time to shift direction. Today we share part two of our experience that transformed an email and social media marketing campaign with online video. Sales increased 20% using a strategy centered around purpose, frequency, and free content marketing -- with online video at the center of the program --to rebuild email marketing and social media engagement. More at

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From: Perry Alexander

Related topics : social media online marketing / social media marketing strategy / marketing through social media / direct marketing media strategy / social media blogs

Social Marketing - Gartner For Marketers

Get inside the mind of customers, cultivate brand advocates and increase conversion rates through leveraging the power of social media.

How we define this key initiative?

Social marketing is a strategy that uses social media to listen to and engage customers, and to cultivate brand advocates. It can shorten product development cycles, boost innovation and increase conversion rates.

Free research:

Get smarter in your role


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From: Gartner For Marketers

Related topics : using social media for marketing research

Buzzbundle Review | Best Social Media Management Software

Quick Review of The Best Social Media Management & Marketing Software - BuzzBundle. Find new customers and Engage with them - find existing customers and hear what they are saying about you.

Get it at

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From: BuzzBundle

Related topics : social media management software reviews / social media marketing software review / manage social media

Welcome to Engage London 2014, Neil Morgan, Socialbakers #Engage2014

Engage London 2014 is a social media marketing event for marketers, by marketers. Socialbaker's CMO, Neil Morgan, introduces the day's agenda to over 400 attendees ready to hear case studies and prove the value of social media marketing.

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Related topics : social media marketing events 2014 / marketing through social media / social media engagement


The SOCIAL MEDIA SUMMIT is an empowerment event with the sole aim of unveiling the massive opportunities to create wealth online using social media platforms, we do believe that through education more people can create a sustainable income for themselves using social media and thus reducing the high level of unemployment and poverty currently faced in our country.

Social Media Summit Abuja (SMS) will focus on sharing the solutions to challenges such as internal social media integration,...

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From: Boma Williams

Related topics : organizations using social media / social media solutions / social media integration / social media content / social media education

Coke's social strategy: Be "flawesome"

Authenticity and transparency are the keys to engaging consumers -- and becoming a social media force.

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From: CNNMoney

Related topics : social media engagement