Selected videos for topic: social media intelligence
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Hootsuite Enterprise - Your Social Relationship Platform
HootSuite Enterprise is the world's most popular social relationship platform, designed for organizations to execute social media strategies across multiple social media networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Google+.
Teams can collaborate within a secure environment across all devices and departments to manage social media profiles, engage with customers, and generate revenue. Scaleable content management features allow different business units to coordinate and amplify...
From: Hootsuite
Related topics : enterprise social media strategy / social media platforms for business / organizations using social media / social media tools for business / social media network
Facebook Marketing Experts
We are Facebook campaign management experts and our mission is to revolutionize the world of social media customer engagement.
We understand social media and know how to use it in an intelligent way to engage your customers.
Beyond traditional Facebook campaign set-up and management, our unique "Social Push" techniques will generate the BUZZ needed to stand out in the overcrowded and noisy world of social media.
From: kitab ali
Related topics : world social media / using social media marketing / manage social media / social media intelligence / social media expert
Webcast: Social Media Intelligence - 10 Essential Hacks for CI/MI Professionals
Nowadays everyone knows how to effectively use Social Media for essential competitor information – Right?
The truth is: Social media platforms are simply not designed for to find that information easily. They are designed to collect behavioral data of their users; true. They are designed to sell advertising; true. But even searching for your own posts from the can become a nightmare.
So is searching for competitor/market information worth the effort?
“True”, says Amir Fleischman, “you...
From: GICI Institute for Competitive Intelligence GmbH
Related topics : social media information / social media intelligence / marketing through social media
Social Media Intelligence
Twitter, Facebook, discussion blogs, review sites -- consumers are out there talking about businesses and products, and those business should be paying attention. How can marketers monitor these online conversations use it to their advantage?
In this edition of Smith Business Close-Up with the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, Wendy Moe talks about the importance of social media intelligence in marketing. She has a book on the subject due out later this year.
From: SmithBusinessSchool
Related topics : social media marketing for business schools / social media intelligence / using social media marketing / marketing through social media / blogs and social media
Brown-Forman on Social Intelligence: What's next for Social Intelligence at Brown-Forman?
Brown-Forman's, Megan Haering, Consumer Targeting Analyst, talks about what is next with Social Intelligence at Brown-Forman.
I think what's next for social intelligence at Brown-Forman is constantly adapting to what's new with the tool that we use and what's out there and available for social media. For example, we recently have been able to track location-based tweets with the tool that we use, so that's something that we haven't been able to do previously and it really opens us...
From: SDL Social Intelligence
Related topics : location based social media intelligence
Rumors Monitoring WolvesSummit
Rumors Monitoring is a real-time media intelligence service based on traditional and social media content which monitors, analyzes and makes predictions to improve individuals or organizations.
PR activity.
From: Wolves Summit
Related topics : monitoring social media activity / social media services / social media intelligence / social media content
Social Network Sites! When is the best time to post to them?
Connect on Facebook
Connect on Linkedin
Social media networks are the most appealing and economical methods for engaging with other people online. But, they are merely a tool for sharing information -- a tactic -- and not a communications or marketing strategy or strategic approach.
Someone has come up with an infographic of what times of day they believe are most effective for using online social media. What's glaringly...
From: Chika Nwoko
Related topics : social media analysis tools online / social media networking sites definition / network analysis social media / social media intelligence / social media network marketing
Social Media Monitoring Using Twitter Advanced Search
Hey there! Thanks for watching this video! You rock!
In this video I show you how to set up your own social media monitoring system using Twitter Advanced Search, Twitter widgets and Twitter Saved Searches.
For practical purposes, social media monitoring can be used for Protective Intelligence - monitoring what is being said about a brand, or if someone is taking actionable steps to hurt a brand or someone.
Connect with me on social media:
From: Larry Snow
Related topics : social media twitter / social media brand monitoring / social media search / social media widget / blogs and social media
Social Media Monitoring in Action-Napa Earthquake
Presentation given on 2/27/15 for the IAEM Emerging Technology Caucus
Now that you've learned the basics of finding information using social media channels, learn how monitoring and engagement work during actual incidents. Our speaker, Jennifer Lazo, managed local Red Cross social media networks and organized a group of digital volunteers following the August 2014 earthquake in Napa. This webinar will share examples of how intelligence gathered from Social Media was acted on, as well as...
From: IAEM Emerging Technology Caucus
Related topics : monitoring social media channels / social media information / social media intelligence / social media engagement / social media basics
Social media as knowledge map for research and innovation
The use of social media in combination with the use of intelligence in the context of the e-dialogue, can be a significant accelerator of research and innovation processes. The use of archived social media can function as knowledge map, pointing towards data locations, experts and expertise, as well as the rich dialogue itself. Social media, applied within a defined context will be an important information source in the near future. This should be researched and needs carefull planning and...
From: Informatieland
Related topics : why use social media / social media research / social media intelligence