Teens and Social Media: The Mistakes They Could Be Making
Social Media can help us network and stay connected with friends. But could our online presence be harming our digital representation of ourselves? I dig into how teens are using Social Media in ways they may not realize could jeopardize their professional future.
From: Brittany Bassler
Related topics : social media mistakes / social media help / online social media / social media social
Social Media Video Series: Patients are there. Are you? (Part I)
The rapidly-evolving social networking and technology phenomenon offer opportunities to effectively communicate with patients, caregivers and health care organizations -- and are essential in creating online communities.
To help healthcare organizations prepare for their journey into the social realm, we launched a social media video series. These videos been developed to enhance your understanding of social media, and how best to leverage its growing popularity, specifically as it relates...
From: Ontario Hospital Association
Related topics : healthcare organizations using social media / social media network sites / social media help / manage social media / social media plan
Part 5 - Adding Facebook & Twitter Icons To Website
We explain step by step how to place clikcable Facebook & Twitter icons onto your business website. Giving your clients the opportunity to connect with your brand further via Social Media is best done using social media icons like Facebook & Twiter. If you need any furhter assistance you're welcome to contact me personally @ 805.617.4622.
To learn more about Therapy Sites and our website, marketing service, visit us directly on out website www.therapysites.com
therapysites.com |...
From: TherapySites
Related topics : brands using social media / social media marketing websites
Getting Social with Sites.USA.gov
In this webinar, you'll learn how to think of social media as you create your site, Use plugins and shortcuts to integrate social media on your site, simplify and service your content, an easy-to-use CMS allows your team to post content as needed, keep your social media team doing what they do best, include mobile and tablet users from the get-go and you won’t have to adapt or redo content.
For more information, visit http://www.digitalgov.gov and follow DigitalGov on twitter...
From: DigitalGov
Related topics : social media site / social media management services / universities using social media / social media content / social media integration
Social Media's Impact on the Arab Country's revolutions
How social media was used as a platform to take down the dictatorships of Arab Countries.
From: 09berbs
Related topics : media social impact / social media platforms
TLT Symposium 2014 Elevator Pitch: How Social Media Affects Student Engagement
How Social Media Affects Student Engagement: Applying Social Network Analysis to Evaluate and Compare Student Interaction Patterns
Social media is changing how we communicate, socialize, and learn. The Smeal College of Business uses Yammer to increase student engagement in online and flipped courses. Applying social network analysis, we will identify types, patterns, frequency, and "quality" of interactions among students' and instructors' discussion and levels of engagement in our courses.
From: psutlt
Related topics : college students and social media use / social media engagement / social media analysis online course / social media changed business / business using social media
Social Media Marketing News & Tips: Episode 1 - Copyright Laws Online
Is your social media marketer violating copyright laws on your social spaces, opening you up to expensive, time-consuming lawsuits and fines? Chances are, your social spaces are full of illegally used images that could cost you THOUSANDS of DOLLARS. Find out what your marketers are likely doing in our first episode, from Total Social...
From: TotalSocialSolutions Corporate
Related topics : social media online marketing / social media marketing firm / marketing through social media / social media tips / social media firm
The Pros and Cons of Social Media
A short animation for English. The disadvantages and the benefits to using social media.
Music by: David Cutter Music - http://www.davidcuttermusic.co.uk
Thank you to NBC News for the beginning clip.
1. "Social Networking ProCon.org." ProConorg Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2016.
2. Infoplease. Infoplease, n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2016.
3. Hardalo, Andrea, Nathan Chan, Jason Feifer, Samuel Edwards, Reuters, Alfred Lua, Mark Fidelman, Entrepreneur Staff, Sheila Eugenio, Michelle Held,...
From: Jack Murnin
Related topics : social media network animation / using social media / social media news
Latinos In Social Media
Latinos In Social Media: How do you use social media?
From: LatinoSocialMedia
Related topics : using social media / social media social