Using Social Media for Online Reputation Management

Businesses can boost their growth online through a lot of ways. One of those is the use of the social media. It can enable businesses to further their reach to more potential customers. Many people are now interacting with brands through this platform and if used wisely, it can be a powerful tool for your business. Follow these social media strategy to kick-start your online visibility. For digital marketing services, visit:

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From: iConcepts Marketing

Related topics : social media online reputation management / business using social media / start online reputation management business / social media reputation management tools / social media online marketing

Social Media & Mobile Technology: Learning in a Digital Age (Steve Wheeler)

We are witnessing an exponential rise in the use of social media and mobile technology. We have recently seen widespread use of blogging and social networks, use of Twitter and social tagging, wikis and collaborative filtering, recommender systems. All of these and more, are impacting upon the world of education and training, and there is now a need for concerted research into the effectiveness of these applications. Coupled with the rise in use of mobile phones, handheld computing and the soon...

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From: Zaid Ali Alsagoff

Related topics : why use social media / social media and technology tools for research / social blog network

[Webinar] Social Media for the Art and Design World

Get an inside look into how top galleries and museums are using social. Tune in as our art & design world social media experts share their strategies and secrets to success and answer questions.

Download Artsy's Social Media Toolkit for Galleries:

Stay informed with Artsy's latest market research, art buying trends & forecasts, partner case studies, and tools to help you excel:

Joining us at Artsy HQ: Mark...

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From: Artsy

Related topics : latest trends in social media marketing / social media information / social media help

Where do you see social media going?

On 19 November The Group hosted a seminar on the use of social media to protect, manage and enhance corporate reputation.

The delegates give their thoughts on the future of social media.

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From: TheGroupFriends

Related topics : social media reputation management / using social media / manage social media / reputation on social media / social media social

M&A Boomer :Internet and Social Media Revolution in India

This Video reflects the increase of internet activity and increase in the use of social media in India in the past few years. It shows how the Indian consumer behavior is changing and how the brands need to re-think their marketing strategies to reach the consumer efficiently. The point of focus is that in coming few years the use of social media is going to become inevitable and of the brands don't explore this area fully, they are going to be left behind. For any further details regarding...

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From: MnA Boomer

Related topics : internet social media marketing services / social media branding strategy

Automation and Engagement in B2B Social Media

Vicki Flaugher explains when automation can be used without sacrificing engagement in your B2B Social Media strategy

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From: SocialMedia4B2B

Related topics : b2b social media strategy / social media engagement / using social media

Using Social Media in Education

Background for how one elementary/middle school is rolling out a social media campaign.

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From: Anastasis Academy

Related topics : social media education in schools / using social media

Social Media Team from Intel (Ep 5) - Vitrue Social Marketing Minute

Intel discusses social media team with Vitrue - We have a hub and spokes model. We have a central team that puts together policies, social media guidelines, strategies, training, thought-leadership, and tools that can be used company-wide. Then we have activation teams in business units and geographies. We try to set strategy centrally and help the activation teams activate their unique social media strategies. Our nirvana will be when every employee can participate in social media. Right now,...

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From: vitrue

Related topics : social media marketing strategy steps / social media marketing companies / marketing through social media / social media hub / social media help

Social Media Tips for Nonprofits

Social media is a powerful tool in helping you promote your cause. Nonprofits across the globe have used social media to successfully communicate with audiences, grow awareness, and raise money. 

Join us as 3 social media and nonprofit leaders impart some of their expertise in this online panel. The panel includes: 

Mark Horvath, Founder, Invisible People

Nick Carranza, Social and Web Marketing, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Conner Galway, Co-Founder, Junction

Join the discussion in...

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From: Hootsuite

Related topics : social media promotion tools / social media marketing tool / social media tips / social media help / social media social

Latinos In Social Media

Latinos In Social Media: How do you use social media?

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From: LatinoSocialMedia

Related topics : using social media / social media social

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