Driving Brand Awareness Using Social Media

A growing number of companies are leveraging social media connections such as Facebook and Twitter to generate more buzz about their brands. ShopVisible CEO Sean Cook shares his views on steps that marketing leaders can take to maximize their social media connections to drive higher sales. He speaks with 1to1 Media's Tom Hoffman.

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From: 1to1 Media

Related topics : brands using social media / social media marketing companies / leverage social media marketing / social media branding / marketing through social media

How To: Social Media Content Calendar Template

This video tutorial will walk you through how to use our Social Media Content Calendar Template. This is the exact same tool that we use to manage our major national clients.

By using this template you'll be able to better manage your social media accounts by planning ahead, organizing your content, and — best of all — saving time that you can focus instead on engaging with and building your audience.

Get your FREE copy here:...

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From: The Content Factory

Related topics : social media planning calendar template / social media content / social media management tools / social media tutorial / manage social media

Emerging Trends for Innovative Uses of Social Media within ITSM

Sharon Taylor, CEO of Aspect Group, Inc. and chief architect and chief examiner for ITIL, answers, "What are the Emerging Trends for Innovative Uses of Social Media within ITSM?"

For more information on ITSM and Axios, please visit: www.axiossystems.com

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From: Axios Systems

Related topics : emerging social media trends / social media information

HR meets Social Media: Doug Coull, Panelist (Part 2 of 2)

Doug Coull: Founder, President and CEO of SmartSearch

Mr. Coull has 27 years experience in the staffing and recruitment industry, including 20 years experience in corporate management in the software development industry, and seven years progressive experience in recruitment and management of recruiters and sales personnel in the technical services industry. Mr. Coull built APS into a multi-million dollar company specializing in the development and deployment of automated staffing systems. ...

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From: sdrecruiters

Related topics : social media marketing tool / social media marketing companies / social media tools / social media marketing services / social media jobs

2014 Penn State TLT Symposium Session - How Social Media Affects Student Engagement

This session, "How Social Media Affects Student Engagement: Applying Social Network Analysis to Evaluate and Compare Student Interaction Patterns," was presented by Renee Ford and I-Pang Fu.

Social media is changing how we communicate, socialize, and learn. The Smeal College of Business uses Yammer to increase student engagement in online and flipped courses. Applying social network analysis, we will identify types, patterns, frequency, and “quality” of interactions among students’ and...

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From: psutlt

Related topics : college students and social media use / network analysis social media / social media analysis online course / students social networking / social media changed business

Social Selling University - Primer

http://socialsellingu.com/ is a series of content being developed to help sales people use social media. The telephone was invented in 1876 and was the primary tool for sales people up until the early 1980's when email was adopted for communication. These tools are staples in business communication but times are changing and sales professionals need to adapt to new tools that talk to a new evolution of customer 2.0.

Social Selling University is not like social media courses which are...

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From: InsideView

Related topics : universities using social media / using social media marketing / new social media tools / social media content / social media marketing tools

Women Dominate Every Social Media Network -- Except One

According to a recent Pew study, women use every major social media channel more than men, with the exception of LinkedIn. Numbers don't lie: women dominate social media.

So, what does this mean for us marketers?

In this week's episode of Carrie's Corner, Carrie Kerpen gives some insight on why you should take these trends seriously to position your social media messaging.

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From: Likeable Media

Related topics : recent trends in social media marketing / using social media marketing

Using Social Media to Support Internationalization of Teacher Education and Broader Applications to

A recording of webinar on using social media to support internationalization in teacher education programs, featuring Melanie Miller Foster and Daniel Foster, faculty from the Pennsylvania State University, Jennifer Manise from the Longview Foundation, and Caitlin Haugen of GTE. Follow the conversation at #Web2SocialTPrep.

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From: GlobalTeacherEdu

Related topics : social media education programs

National Conference 2015: Using Social Network Analysis and Social Media Tools for Crime Prevention

This panel covers the relevance of social network analysis and social media to understand serious violence and its potential as a tool in addressing and disrupting violence dynamics in cities implementing the National Network's violence reduction strategies.

Moderator: Louisa Aviles, Strategic Operations and Policy Specialist at the National Network for Safe Communities

Andrew Papachristos, Associate Professor of Sociology at Yale University

Kevin O'Connor, Assistant Commissioner at the New...

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From: National Network for Safe Communities

Related topics : network analysis social media / analysis social network / social networking policy / social media specialist

Latinos In Social Media

Latinos In Social Media: How do you use social media?

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From: LatinoSocialMedia

Related topics : using social media / social media social

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