Mapping #occupygezi #direngeziparki Tweets
Data from Social Media and Political Participation Lab (New York University)
This video displays all geolocated tweets related to the #occupygezi #direngezipark protests in Istanbul, from May 31 to June 3, 2013.
It shows the high volume of activity on Twitter over this period, and how the protest started in Gezi Park but then spread to the entire city in the matter of hours.
For more background information, check:...
From: smappNYU
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Rahaf Harfoush "How Social Media Strategy Built the Obama Brand" @ The CMA's next:2010 Convention
Hope. Change. Action. In this multimedia talk, Rahaf harfoush provides an insider's look at Barack Obama's all-encompassing - and, yes, historic - social media campaign. Obama's near-flawless use of online media will be studied by branding and communication specialists for years to come. In terms of strategy, how do you plan, roll out, and grow a campaign that gets noticed, that goes viral, that people make their own, but which always comes back, time and again, to your message?
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Social Media in the Workplace
Piers Leigh-Pollitt and Dan Begbie-Clench are Partners at Doyle Clayton the specialist work place law firm - In this podcast they discuss the issues employers may encounter when dealing with the use of social media in and out of the work place.
From: Doyle Clayton - Workplace Lawyers
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Employees' use of social media at work and at home
What employees post to their social networks like Twitter and Facebook can mean trouble for them and their employer.
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Using Social Media to Recruit Donors and Volunteers
Discover why community engagement is important to turn today's passionate supporters into tomorrow's donors and volunteers! Advance your social media efforts to attract and recruit donors and volunteers, as well as increase donations!
Original webcast on June 25, 2014.
From: Service Resources
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Easily Collect and Analyze Social Media Content from Twitter Using NVivo
Qualitative project that explores research related topics such as the non-invasive and obtrusive nature of social media research, specifically, systematically capturing a stratified, random sample of tweets for subsequent qualitative analysis.
From: QSR International
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Automate your Social Media & Blog Promotion on Instagram and Pinterest
Learn how to automate your Social Media & Blog promotion on Instagram and Pinterest using smart tools and workflows.
For more tips and trainings head over to
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School's Social Media Coordinator Fired For Correcting Student’s Spelling
Katie Nash, who worked for Friederick Country Public Schools in Maryland as a social media coordinator was fired for correcting a student's spelling through Twitter. The job has the task to operate the school system's various social media accounts. Frederick County Public Schools fired Katie Nash, an employee, who brought attention to social media for how she ran the district's Twitter account last week. District spokesman, MIchael Doerrer, said Nash was no longer employed with the school...
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Experiences of social media in higher education: Barriers, enablers and next steps
Alison Purvis (Twitter: @DrAlisonPurvis), Helen Rodger (Twitter: @HelenRodgerSHU) and Sue Beckingham (Twitter: @suebecks) from Sheffield Hallam University presenting at the Sheffield Hallam University 2015 Social Media for Learning in Higher Education Conference. More information at or follow on twitter #socmedhe15
The focus of this study investigates current institutional practice of the use of social media to support and enhance learning. Our short paper shares...
From: SocMedHE Sheffield Hallam University
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Kabrina Chang: Facebook Got Me Fired- Legal and Management Issues for Social Networking
What used to be discussed over a drink after work is now discussed on line in a manner that creates a permanent record that an employer can view, and one on which employment decisions can depend. Over seventy percent of adults use Facebook and almost half have a MySpace profile. Blogging has increased from 7% of adults to over 11%. Employers have been slow to recognize this trend and its consequences. Protecting its confidential information and reputation necessitate employers' attention to...
From: BU Questrom
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