Brick and Mortar Marketing: Is Social Media right for Local Business? Video 2 of 5
How and Why to use Social Media for your Local Business. Video 2 of 5 How Stand out in your Local Business - to attract more customers and make more money! I hope you enjoy! Any questions or inquires, please contact me at
From: Mompreneur Show
Related topics : business using social media / using social media marketing
Leveraging Social Media to Recruit Frontline Staff (Part 1 of 4)
Presented in Partnership with Retail Council of Canada
Cameron Laker discusses the use of social media such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to build an organizations recruitment brand. He also shares a simple strategy to putting these tools in place.
From: Mindfield
Related topics : using social media for recruitment / social media branding strategy
Paid Social Media Jobs Review
Start Here:
Have you ever wondered how to make money online? Now you can work on Facebook, Twitter and You Tube.
Learn how to start an income using the best social media sites and even more.
If you want to read a lot about starting an online income and improving your business here is my blog:
Follow us on social...
From: Online Jobs From Home
Related topics : social media jobs from home / online social media / social media sites for business
Social Media and Business Intelligence
Social media can be a fantastic business intelligence platform. In order to gain insight and business intelligence you need data sources, and listening across the various social media channels can provide a lot of information. However, in order to make this information useful you need to first categorize the information, followed by charting the data, you can map multiple data points across different data sets thereby providing you with great insight on how it can be leveraged across business...
From: communitiesRus
Related topics : social media platforms for business / social media intelligence / social media needs analysis / social media media
Jonathan Rivera Interview: Real Estate Investing, Marketing & Social Media - In this interview with Jonathan Rivera - the Real Tech Guy, we talk about landlording and rehabbing strategies, marketing tips and techniques, as well as discussing social media and using it to benefit your real estate investing business.
From: BiggerPockets
Related topics : benefits of using social media for business / benefits of social media marketing for business / marketing through social media / social media tips
Behind the Scenes of How Colleges and Universities Use Social Media
This is the tail-end of a longer panel session sponsored by Social Media Club Boston and hosted by Boston University. From left to right are Stephen Dill of Wheelock College (Twitter @srdill), Zachary Herman of University of Massachusetts Boston (Twitter @the_punctuation), and Jenny Mackintosh (Twitter @jennymack). Eric Stoller (Twitter @ericstoller) moderated.
Sorry for the shakiness.
From: Ari Herzog
Related topics : universities using social media
How To Find Viral Content That You Can Use For Inspiration
How To Find Viral Content That You Can Use For Inspiration
StumbeUpon, Google Alerts, Flipboard, Reddit, RSS feeds and social networking shares from your friends or people you follow are all great ways to discover viral content, but most of them are missing real, hard data on the popularity of the content.
In the last couple of years we have seen a strong rise in the social media referral traffic. Now, the percentage of direct traffic is...
From: John Adam
Related topics : social media network where friends share / how many people use social networking sites / social media search / social media content
Big Data and Social Media
Social Media is exploding with data. Jonas Klit Nielsen, Mindjumpers, guides you through how to use all of these data to create value for your customers.
Learn about:
1. Big Data – Social Data
The social data revolution is here.
2. Social Data for Marketing
Use data to create value for your customers.
3. Cases
Jet Lovers, Ray-Ban’s Bright light and Nike’s Fuel Band.
From: MarketCommunity
Related topics : media and social values / using social media
Catalyst:SF's Cory Treffiletti
Cory Treffiletti, President, Managing Partner, Catalyst:SF, talks about using social media to change perceptions and the momentum of a conversation as he pitches services to Paul Klein, General Manager, Brand and Advertising, GE Appliances & Lighting. Watch his presentation from the 2010 IAB Social Media Marketplace.
From: IAB - Interactive Advertising Bureau
Related topics : social media catalyst for change / social media brand management / social media management services / brands using social media / manage social media
The Social Media Landscape in Asia
Zanerva's Partner Consultant, Julio Romo, discusses the Social Media landscape in Asia. He also shares why Public Relation professionals need to understand these trends and use the new media side by side with traditional channels for their campaigns.
For more information about the workshop on Advanced Public Relations & Communication Strategies Using the New Media, go to:
From: Zanerva
Related topics : social media public relations / social media consultant