Webinar - Social Media Strategies for Small Business
Businesses of all sizes are using social networks to connect with customers online. We'll show you five low-cost ways social media from Facebook to Instagram can bolster your traditional marketing efforts, and you'll leave with your own social media marketing plan.
Presenter is Martha Londagin, a business consultant with the University of Arkansas, Walton College ASBTDC.
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The Arkansas Small Business and...
From: ArkansasSBTDC
Related topics : social media small business strategy / social media for small business / social network for small business / social media marketing plan / social media online marketing
Resize your Images for Social Media, No Photoshop
Learn More here,
Landscape is an exciting new tool by Sprout Social that will allow designers and social media marketers to re-size and crop their images for different social media sites with ease and for Free.
You can try it yourself here,
Hope you find it useful.
From: Mamdouh Samy
Related topics : free social media marketing tool / marketing through social media / social media social
What you told us about your strategy for social media and crisis communications
Media relations expert Gerard Braud shares his professional public relations tips, as well as his colleague's best advice when it comes to using social media in a crisis communications strategy.
Make sure to subscribe to the BraudCast YouTube Channel to contribute to our weekly discussions. Your answers may be featured in our next video! http://www.youtube.com/c/TheBraudCast-GerardBraud...
From: The BraudCast
Related topics : social media crisis communications / social media strategy
WWN Social Networking webinar social marketing
World Webinar Network WWN http://www.WorldWebinarNetwork.com presents Social Networking for businesses webinar by Matthew O'Brien of Mint Social. This social marketing webinar details using social networks like LinkedIn to market your business online. For more information on upcoming social media marketing webinars and seminars, visit
From: Matty O'Brien
Related topics : social media and business marketing webinar / marketing through social media / social media information
Global Updates: Legal risks for users of social media in the UAE
Do you have a Facebook or Twitter account? Do you upload pictures to Instagram or post videos on Snapchat? Nasser Al Osaiba explains the legal risks of using social media in the UAE and how to avoid them.
From: Global Advocacy and Legal Counsel
Related topics : why use social media
Studying Digital Graffiti as a Location-Based Social Network
Full Title:
Studying Digital Graffiti as a Location-Based Social Network
David K McGookin, Stephen A Brewster, Georgi Christov
Increasing amounts of geo-tagged social media have led to interest in how that media can be re-integrated into the physical environment. Yet, although location information is often automatically appended to media, little is know about how users consider location in its creation and viewing. Using Graffiti as a design meme, we developed a novel...
From: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Related topics : location based social media / social media network
How Do You Use 360 Degree Photography on Social Media?
Jon Harari's (http://jonharari.com) Baruch College class with Cassandra Garrison (Social Media & Live News Editor) & Elizabeth Culliford (Digital News Editor) of Reuters.com.
Subscribe to enable notifications for my new videos! https://www.youtube.com/c/JonHarari?sub_confirmation=1
From: Jon Harari
Related topics : social media news / colleges and social media
Buffer - The Social Media Marketing Tool for Everyone
There is no other social media marketing tool out there like Buffer. It curates content for you from all over the internet. Your job of finding great content to serve your communities on social media has just been replaced by Buffer.
If you aren't using it, you need to begin today. Watch the video today.
From: Brandon Lewin
Related topics : social media marketing tool / social media tools / marketing through social media / social media content / jobs in social media
Mobile and Local Internet Marketing For Car Dealership
http://www.cheryllynninternational.com/cardealership - This video showcases the impact of Social Media on the Car Buying process used by consumers today... Created by the Toyota Social Media Knowledge Center in Torrance, CA this clip shows consumer behavior before, during and after the vehicle purchase. It is a great clip for kicking off any marketing or advertising related meeting in the auto industry. Learn more about this and many others aspects of automotive marketing by visiting or joining...
From: Cheryl Lynn
Related topics : using social media marketing / social media today
Intro to Social Media for business and non-profit organizations - Webinar Recording
In this webinar we introduce the viewer to several social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Additionally, we discuss social media marketing strategy and how these platforms can be used to increase customer engagement. You can learn more about our webinar series at - http://www.artsmithmedia.com/webinars
From: Artsmith Media LLC
Related topics : social media and business marketing webinar