"How Durex Dominates Social Media in China" - Thoughtful China
Reckitt Benckiser has adopted a successful all-social, all-digital strategy for Durex in China with very strong results and is widely considered to be one of the most successful marketers using Weibo in China today. This week on “Thoughtful China,” host Clement Tsang talks with China Marketing Director Ben Wilson about creating content in China, working with key opinion leaders in social media, how RB evaluates ROI for social media campaigns, and the cultural challenges involved with...
From: ThoughtfulChina
Related topics : successful social media campaign / social media promotion strategy / social media marketing strategy / using social media marketing / social media content
Ignite Presentation - Social Media Anywhere Working Norwich UK 18 March 2013
This is the Ignite presentation that Jim Drew shared at the Microsoft Anywhere Working conference in Norwich, at Business Revolution on 18th March 2013. Sharing the essential of how to use Social Media for our Businesses.
From: Jim Drew
Related topics : business using social media
Legal Social Media at Work
There isn't a week that goes by where we don't see a new news report about an employee or company (many times a CEO) that has gotten in trouble for inappropriate or illegal social media use. Make sure that your company and employees are protected.
From: TrainingABC
Related topics : why use social media / social media companies
Trends in Legal Marketing: Social Media and Blogging
Lorraine Sullivan, director of marketing at Farrell Fritz, discusses how the firm has been using social media to bump its marketing efforts in the past few years. Blogging, in particular, has helped some of the firm's younger lawyers establish their expertise in more niche parts of the industry.
From: The LexBlog Network
Related topics : social media marketing firm / using social media marketing / social media marketing trends / blogs and social media / social media firm
The Social Singer, Social Media for Musicians #SMTULSA 2014
Cynthia Simmons and Angel Adams' session: THE SOCIAL SINGER
Using Social Media to promote your music career
Facebook, Twitter, Google+ where do I start?
Facebook: personal page vs fan page: which to use when
This will work for more than music! Use it for YOUR business.
Join the #SMTULSA conversation
SMTULSA Conference Video Sponsor: http://wyldwomanmedia.com
Related topics : social media promotion for musicians / social media social
Understanding Social Media in China
www.australianbusiness.com.au presents Understanding Social Media in China. Join our experts in International Trade and Marketing as they discuss the unique Social Media market in China and how it differs to what we are used to in Australia. With Laila Hage-Ali, Senior Marketing Consultant and Sara Cheng, Manager for Greater China from Australian Business Consulting & Solutions.
From: Australian Business Consulting & Solutions
Related topics : social media marketing consulting / internal social media
How to Generate Revenue From Social Media Automation
For More Detail: http://socioboard.org/
socioboard.org is the greatest social network product since it gives you latest programs and that means your company may be better recognized by you and will get proper outcome. This revolutionary product using the characteristics which might be user friendly will facilitates you. Do you need to comprehend “How to generate revenue from social media automation?” The correct and successful usage of social-media as marketing device is frequently...
From: Cameron Wallace
Related topics : social media success / social media network marketing / social media marketing companies / marketing through social media / social media social
Tracy's Tuesday Tips: my favorite websites for ebay, website, business, marketing, social media
These are 15 of the websites I use with my ebay, amazon, blogging, websites, business, marketing, and social media. I am not affliate with these sites, I just thought it might be useful if you haven't heard of them before :)
From: EntrepreneurGirl
Related topics : social media marketing websites / business using social media / blogs and social media
Social Media Monitoring - Nigel Legg - Brrism9
Social media is all about conversations but the problem is that there are just so many of them. Its like walking into a cocktail party in a room the size of an aircraft hangar. Whos talking about you? Whos having the conversations with which you should engage? And, given the nature of the conversations, what should YOU say?
Nigel Legg will be talking about the role of social media monitoring in all this. What tools are out there and how should they be used both in context of the corporation...
From: BrrismTV
Related topics : monitoring social media conversations / social media monitoring tools / social media tools / social media engagement
Traffic Generation Strategies - Is social media a waste of time
http://Money2k.com - Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook have been a hot topic over the last couple of years, with all kinds of "How To Market With Social Media" products being sold. The trouble is, a lot of people who use these sites for marketing purposes wind up giving up because they don't get the results they'd hoped.
From: Marcel Vinson
Related topics : social media sites like facebook / social media strategy / marketing through social media / social media media