SOCIAL - Social Ad Crash Course: How to Create Great Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Campaigns

U.S. companies will spend roughly $5.7 billion on social media advertising this year ... so it's safe to say that social has earned its seat at the grownup table. Facebook is undoubtedly the biggest player, with a variety of ad units and third-party campaign management tools, but new platforms continue to capture users' attention and advertising dollars. In this session, you'll learn about ad formats on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social platforms. You'll see examples of marketers...

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From: adtechevents

Related topics : social media ad spend / social media advertising spend / social media advertising companies / social media marketing campaign examples

Social Media & the Transformation of Business

The shift from interrupting consumers to having "conversations" with them shows no signs of stopping, with social ad spending in the U.S. forecast to reach nearly $4 billion this year. But are these conversations really impacting the bottom line? Join our Social Marketing Master Adam Kmiec and leading marketers for a look at how social is transforming the way they do business -- from influencing global ad campaigns, to lowering customer acquisition costs, to improving retention and customer...

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From: adtechevents

Related topics : master in social media marketing / social media branding for business / social media advertising examples / social media promotion mix / social media conference

Social media seen as best way to boost brand awareness

Digital Marketing News;

A study by PRDaily has shown that social media is now seen as the best way to increase brand awareness.

Created for the State of Social Media 2016 report, the survey found that 83% of brands are looking to create more video content, a third of whom are looking to do so specifically for Facebook.

It was also found that 85% of businesses use social media as a way of boosting the awareness of their brand, whilst customer support was only given as a...

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From: Webcertain TV

Related topics : brands using social media / social media branding for business / social media marketing news / social media report / social media advertising spend

Social media site Advertising For Offline Company

Have you noticed that the normal advertising approaches (like newspapers, journals, radio, TELEVISION etc) are getting much more costly - yet bring in less as well as much less consumers?

It's because much less and much less folks are paying any type of attention to ads. If you do not have deep pockets ... well, I have to claim that there are far better ways to spend your hard gained dollars compared to on TELEVISION or paper spots.

We specialize in bringing Social network Advertising and...

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From: CarDealersMobileMark

Related topics : social media advertising companies / advertising on social networking sites cost / advertising on social network sites / social marketing advertising

3. Measuring The Social - Growing Importance On Ad Spend

Dan Neely, founder and CEO of Networked Insights, explains the increasing importance for companies to measure and understand the complete online social situation.

The current macro-economic environment will impact both offline and online ad spend. Folks like Ben Schachter (an analyst with UBS) believe that the continuing shift toward online advertising will be accelerated by this macro weakness.

In order to best utilize shrinking advertising budgets, more companies will be turning to...

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From: NetworkedInsights

Related topics : social network marketing companies / social media market research companies / social media marketing companies / online business social network / social media help

Gaurav Singh, Chief Digital Officer, Scan Group on when brands will spend more on digital in Africa

Gaurav Singh, Chief Digital Officer, Scan Group talks about how an increasing number of Africa's citizens have access to digital devices (he cites 44% in Kenya) and that soon advertising spending will come to reflect this with a transition to digital online and social media. The interview covers: the range of spending amongst existing brands; his desire to see the digital agency take over the traditional role of the advertising agency; and his timescale for when the transition will take place.

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From: SmartMonkeyTV

Related topics : social media advertising spend